News Article

‘Historic Step’ Toward Healthcare Justice as First-Ever Medicare for All Hearing Set for Next Week

“We are excited Congress is taking this historic step by holding the first ever hearing for Medicare for All—the only true solution to this country’s healthcare crisis.”

In what grassroots activists celebrated as a “historic step” toward a just healthcare system that places the needs of patients over corporate profits, the House Rules Committee announced late Tuesday that it will hold the first-ever congressional hearing on Medicare for All next week.

“I’m proud to announce this historic hearing on Medicare for All legislation,” Rep. Jim McGovern (D-Mass.), chairman of the Rules Committee, said in a statement. “I’m a proud co-sponsor of this bill. It’s a serious proposal that deserves serious consideration on Capitol Hill as we work toward universal coverage.”

The hearing on Rep. Pramila Jayapal’s (D-Wash.) Medicare for All Act of 2019—which currently has 108 co-sponsors in the House—will take place on Tuesday, April 30th at 10 am ET.

“Healthcare is a human right and I’m proud the Rules Committee will be holding this hearing on the Medicare for All Act,” Jayapal said in a statement.

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